Friday, February 13, 2009


All hail!

What's worse than raining cats and dogs?

Hailing taxicabs.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 5th Ed. (1937)
pol'y-glot: adj. 1. Speaking, or writing many languages. 2. Containing, or made up of, several languages. --n. 1. One who speaks or writes several languages. 2. A book containing versions of the same text in several languages. 3. A confusion of languages; a polyglot jargon.

Wikipedia (a favored spot for info) states that Polyglot has more to do with multilingualism than what I prefer: the confusion of languages or jargon. However, for literary purposes, my polyglot is, indeed about language, written, spoken, read, perceived, and shared. No, I'm not talking about the famed Speaking in Tongues -- although I do like that Talking Heads album -- of which we imagine spirtitually possessed peoploids girating, eyes rolled back, arms outstretched at 75º angles, and squirming on the floor while they blather unintelligibly,but you're welcome to do so before, during, or after reading or posting here.

Letters. I write letters, not just the ones here, you know, the alphabet parts that, when clustered together form words, which plunked in a systematic formation create sentences, then paragraphs, blah blah blah. I write letters to friends, family, to acquaintances about life, my pens, weather, emotions, clothing, dogs, trees, stars, growth and loss.

"Dear John...", gosh, haven't had to do that for years. The last version of this was actually a phone msg on Phil's home phone after a particularly unpleasant discovery. An actual written letter would have taken far too long to get into his thick, shagged head.

Polyglot a la BossyBeeHive: A mishmash of stuff, letters, ideas, book suggestions/avoidances. A conglomeration of Camp Fire, grocery, teacherish, GLBTQ, mfa-isms, and skewed findings all clumped together like cookie dough or kitty litter (without the stench) onto the page.


  1. You are just way too cool!!!! Yep that you are!!!
    Weren't you a junior blue bird??? Is that a pic
    of Abby dog? I don't see a bike tube on her collar, (Abby's leash). Yes I remember the BossyBeeHive car salesman, that was awesome.


  2. That's Basco boy, my little guy. He's the best, prob waiting patiently for a ball.
