Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Moving Away!

Hey all of you followers (all eight of you!). I've moved: my new blog location is:

Reason? I had a lot of trouble here trying to work on drafts and re-post them. It was probably a conflict within my computer and blogspot. Nonetheless, I am divorcing myself from this site, as our relationship has clearly not worked out for either of us.

Find me yonder. I think I may begin writing again. My brain has been burgeoning with useless thoughts that need a home. Paper -- or monitor/computerized paper -- is my best venue for this, rather than spraypainting my notions on the side of buildings and sidewalks. 

It's a gray day. It's a good day to write.  Then again, any weather denotes a good day to write. See you over there at typepad!


1 comment:

  1. New beginnings! A big "adios" and thanks to Blogspot for keeping these writings intact, but I sense great things coming in your new blogspace. Way to go, Stro. xx
